This story is from July 3, 2023

Explainer: Why Uniform Civil Code is a number game

Explainer: Why Uniform Civil Code is a number game
The BJP continues batting for the Uniform Civil Code (UCC). Union minister Piyush Goyal said on Sunday : "I think there are many leaders from other parties who want that the country should unite. I think many parties will support BJP on Uniform Civil Code. We will get cross-party support for this."
Speculation is rife that the government will table a bill on UCC in the Parliament later this year.
1x1 polls
But the question over whether the saffron party has the numbers in the Rajya Sabha to pass such a bill remains unresolved.
What numbers say
The BJP has 91 seats in the Rajya Sabha and five nominated members affiliated to it - taking its tally to 96. And, the current halfway mark is 119.
Its NDA allies from the Northeast - which includes the NPP in Meghalaya, NDPP in Nagaland and the MNF in Mizoram - are against it. The AGP of Assam is yet to declare its stand. These parties collectively have four MPs in Rajya Sabha.
Parties like YSRCP and BJD which are not members of the NDA but are considered friendly to the BJP, especially when it comes to passing Bills, are yet to make their stand clear. They have nine MPs each in Rajya Sabha.

NDA insiders suggest that the AIADMK and TDP are likely to support the BJP if the government tables a Bill on UCC later this year. Together, they bring five seats in the Upper House of the Parliament.
The AAP has assured "in principle" support to UCC. If the support for the idea translates into the party's Rajya Sabha MP's voting in favour of the Bill, it can make a big difference.
Then there are independent nominated MPs and smaller parties such as Ramdas Athawale's Republican Party of India which can play a deciding role in another 5-10 votes.
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