01/6​Do you wake up at night to pee?​

It is ok to urinate more often during the night if you drank too much fluid during the evening or consumed caffeine and/or alcohol with or after dinner. However, multiple trips to the toilet at night may also signal an underlying health problem that should not be ignored.


02/6​How many times is it alarming?​

​How many times is it alarming?​

In a new research from King Edward VII’s Hospital, London, up to 28 percent of respondents would use the toilet at least three times during the night, reported Express UK.

When asked why they thought they were experiencing this, 20 percent of them thought it had something to do with their prostate, 29 percent thought it was because of older age. Others believed it was because of drinking too much water before bed, or from drinking caffeine late at night.


03/6​Why you should see a doctor​

​Why you should see a doctor​

According to health experts, too many trips to the toilet at night could be caused by multiple issues. It may be due to an enlarged prostate or cancer. Frequent urination at night may also be a sign of diabetes. Therefore, experiencing this symptom or any other warning sign like pain while urinating or delayed urination should not be ignored.

Read more: 5 Yoga asanas for high blood pressure management


04/6​Men may find prostate issue embarrassing​

​Men may find prostate issue embarrassing​

The researchers from King Edward VII’s Hospital found that even though 55 percent of the men suffered from a prostate issue, around 43 percent said they would avoid seeing a doctor. The cause behind this could be embarrassment in discussing urinary issues or fear of an intimate examination


05/6Other symptoms of prostate cancer

Other symptoms of prostate cancer

Apart from the above-mentioned red flag, other possible warning signs of prostate cancer, as listed by the NHS UK, include needing to rush to the toilet, difficulty in starting to pee (hesitancy), straining or taking a long time while peeing, weak flow, feeling that your bladder has not emptied fully and blood in urine or blood in semen.


06/6​How to manage enlarged prostate​

​How to manage enlarged prostate​

It is important to note that frequent urination may not always be a sign of cancer and could also be caused because of an enlarged prostate, which is common in men aged over 50. There are several lifestyle adjustments you can do to manage this condition. Still, make sure you consult your doctor first for proper diagnosis and treatment, that may include medications to reduce the size of the prostate and relax your bladder. Healthy lifestyle adjustments include drinking less alcohol, caffeine and fizzy drinks; limiting consumption of artificial sweeteners, exercising regularly and drinking less in the evening.
